Summer: Malaysians like to joke that our country has four seasons too: rainy, hot, very hot and crazy hot.
This part of the world, it's summer all year long. Which is a good thing because I can't stand the cold. The first time I experienced cold weather, I didn't wash myself for a week. So far the hottest temperature I've encountered was 41 degrees Celsius in Bangkok.
Vigan, Philippines |
Ko Phi Phi, Thailand |
Tokyo, Japan |
Autumn: This is by far my favorite season, because it is not too cold and not too hot. Just the perfect temperature to stroll in the park, or go about your day. As much as I worship the sun, too much heat can leave me feeling extremely lethargic. I love the colors of this season: all red, and orange, and gold and bronze. Below are pictures of me in Christchurch, in 2012.
Winter: Winter is fun for a few days, but after the novelty wears off, all I'd want to do is haul my freezing ass back to Malaysia. My first time experiencing winter was in Beijing in 2012. We had expected snow, but there was none, which was such a disappointment because that meant we had had to brave out the cold for nothing. We consoled ourselves with walking on the frozen river:
A last-minute purchase of gloves because my fingers felt like they were going to fall off from the cold,
and I ended up with this hideous pair. |
Spring: Flowers! Can't beat autumn though. And I don't like it much because it tends to rain a lot. I was in Seoul in Spring 2012, but missed the cherry blossoms. Bad timing, as usual. September the same year, I was in Sydney.
Sydney, Australia |
Sydney, Australia |