I'm a true blue carnivore. I rarely, if at all, eat vegetables or fruits, as I don't find them very appetizing. So it was quite daunting when in 2015, I decided to be a lacto-ovo vegetarian.
Multi-grain noodles with veggies |
Brown rice with multi grains and veggies |
Spinach pie |
Hoummus and falafel |
I managed quite well, surprisingly, but that's not to say it was easy. For one thing, my options of what to eat everyday got drastically slashed to half. It became a chore to think of what to cook, or which restaurant served vegetarian food. And more often than not, I had to skimp on taste.
Occasionally, about twice a month, I allowed myself some seafood. It got to the point that my mouth watered when I saw people eating chicken and lamb and beef, even pork. My vegetarianism lasted about 2 months. Though I will definitely be attempting it again in the future, I decided I'm not quite ready to give up my meats just yet.