Friday, May 1, 2015

Sell My Stuff at a Bazaar/Garage/Car-boot Sale

2012: I used to be a chronically compulsive shopper. I would go on a shopping spree every weekend, and it would only be considered a success if I managed to spend my money down to the last cent. At the end of the month, I would subsist on instant noodles and/or plain white bread while waiting for my next allowance. All for that new pair of heels, or that slinky new dress. Most of the items were only worn once before I tossed them into the closet. Some were given away to make room for new ones.

The turning point of my life came when I started working, and consequently started learning the value of money. Around this time, I was also renting my own place, and because of financial constraint, had to adopt a spartan lifestyle, living with as little as possible. At one point, I slept on the cold cement and lived without water and electricity for a whole month. I had also by this time started backpacking and learnt how to live out of a backpack. Surprisingly, I felt more fulfilled. The simplicity of it made me feel more content and appreciative of my life. My old habit of compulsive spending seemed frivolous and well, disgusting. I had so much stuff that cluttered my room and also my mind. I had to get rid of them.

So I rented a booth at a Bazaar organized by a friend of mine and managed to sell off some, and though I earned only a meager profit, it helped in de-cluttering my life. I will definitely do it again if I get the opportunity.