Saturday, April 11, 2015

Go Snorkeling

2011: I went snorkeling in Krabi, Thailand, as part of an island-hopping tour. The view was amazing and the water crystal-clear. There was nothing like it. I couldn't swim (still can't) so I had a life jacket on, and held on to a rope while I was in the water.

Do you see what I see?
However the undercurrent was strong, and it freaked me out a bit, so I went back up to the boat after about 15 minutes. I hope of doing it again on my own so that I can relax and take my time to really enjoy the experience.

2017: I finally learnt to swim and was able to snorkel in deep water without a life jacket (to the amazement of my friends, ha ha!). We saw baby sharks, a turtle and a shipwreck.

Next on my list is to learn to use fins.