Technically, body-surfing is the art and sport of riding a wave without the assistance of any buoyant device. That's what Wikipedia says. But Google Images shows that some body surfers use body-boards like the one I was carrying in these pictures:
So I think this should qualify as body-surfing. It's just like old-fashioned surfing as you paddle out to the sea, except you don't stand up. You just keep lying on the board as you ride the waves. The waves in Bali are strong, but because I was too scared to go far from the shore, I didn't get to ride the big waves. So I ended up riding the kiddie waves as they lazily dragged me ashore. Sometimes I got stuck in the middle and had to lie there waiting for the next wave and hoping it would be strong enough to carry my weight. It was rather embarrassing. I was lucky the beach was secluded and there weren't many people around.