I was nowhere near Scandinavia or the extreme temperature when I tried this, but for someone from a tropical country, anything below 20 degrees is freezing.
I had come to Europe dressed for spring. It was after all, late March. Plus, I would be spending most of my trip in Portugal and Spain, where it would be considerably warmer. However, to get there, I first had to stop in Krakow. And winter had decided to stay a little longer in Krakow. So I spent my time in the city under layers of clothing, and still not feeling warm enough.
Luckily, as I was walking around the old town, I stumbled upon a market selling traditional Polish food and drinks. One of the stalls sold hot wine and mead. I don't know why but I was expecting mulled wine to be thicker in consistency and more milky, like eggnog or something. Instead, it looked just like normal red wine, garnished with a slice of orange.
The taste didn't disappoint though. It was just the right amount of spicy, and just the right temperature. I usually have a pretty high tolerance for wine, meaning I could easily down a whole bottle without getting the slightest bit drunk. But just a glass of this hot wine was enough to give me a pleasant buzz. I think I had just found my new favorite drink.