I remember when my mom took me to get my first ear piercings when I was 6. It wasn't very painful; they used the gun and everything was done in a jiffy. But it started to get swollen after a couple of days and there were pus and crusts and it was just icky so we had to remove the ear studs, assuming that perhaps I was allergic to the metal. The piercings closed up, and I had to resort to magnetic and clip-on grandmama earrings for the most part of my teenage years.
That was until I had this dinner party and I really wanted to look cool for the photos, so I went and got my ears pierced again the day before the event. Big mistake. After I removed the studs, it was so painful to put on the large hoop earrings I was planning to wear to the party, it took almost an hour, and involved a lot of tears.
After the party, I took off the earrings, and just couldn't go through the entire process of putting the studs back on, so I left the piercings to close up again.
That was until I had this dinner party and I really wanted to look cool for the photos, so I went and got my ears pierced again the day before the event. Big mistake. After I removed the studs, it was so painful to put on the large hoop earrings I was planning to wear to the party, it took almost an hour, and involved a lot of tears.
After the party, I took off the earrings, and just couldn't go through the entire process of putting the studs back on, so I left the piercings to close up again.
Believe it or not, I repeated that five more times, every time there was an event I wanted to dress up for. At long last, I decided I couldn't keep on putting myself through that misery over and over again so I decided to do it one last time, and not remove the earrings until my ears had fully healed.
Now I can proudly wear any earrings any time I want.
Now I can proudly wear any earrings any time I want.

2015: And then, of course, why stop there? I was thinking of getting my tongue pierced, but it was too troublesome. It would take longer to heal and I might get food stuck there and cause an infection; it may cause bad breath and/or lisping; or it can possibly cost me my sense of taste. Uh-uh. So I thought maybe belly button then. But not until I get flat abs. Which means never. Nipples? Ouch. So I settled on getting one on my nose instead. I look slightly Indian after all; it will go well with the saree if I ever decide to wear one.
Off we went again to the piercing studio. Not much of a studio actually, just a stall they set up in a shopping mall. I chose the nose stud I wanted and sat on the stool they kept slightly hidden behind the counter, and two seconds later, voila! namaste!
Unfortunately the piercing closed up. (The stud fell off when I sneezed)
2017: Remember what I said about belly piercing? I said I wouldn't have it until I had flat abs. In 2017, I worked out real hard, and as a result, got a flat (enough) tummy. So I decided to reward myself with a belly piercing for my birthday (but I made my partner pay for it XD). It was the first time I had to stand up for a piercing. I hadn't eaten, and I was very scared. Things were fine until they put on the belly ring. It wasn't painful, but for some reason my feet started to tingle and I felt woozy.
Apparently my blood sugar had dropped too low and they had to give me a can of Coke to stop me from fainting. I stayed for 15 more minutes to recover, and the piercing took many, many months to heal completely. I still haven't changed the belly ring. I'm not sure if I actually know how to remove it.