Saturday, June 20, 2015

Join a Boot Camp

My 16-pieces of day passes to fitness
2015: I joined the Superheroes Fitcamp as a preparation for the Viper Arena, a 7-km obstacle race that I had signed up for. I paid RM58 for 16 sessions of the boot camp, which I think is an extremely good deal.

We would gather at the KLCC park at 7.30am on Saturdays and Sundays (yawn..!) and a typical session would start off with some warming up, and a run around the jogging track. Then it's on to vigorous cardio/strength workout. There would be one area of focus for the day, be it abs, legs, arms, etc. We are practically at the coaches' mercy. There was one session where we had to do 200+ jumping jacks and in another session 150 squats. My legs turned to jelly halfway through the latter. After workouts, we would usually have group sharing to reassess our weekly/monthly goals, target weight, nutrition, water intake, etc.

Waking up at 6am on weekends is a challenge in itself, and that is not to mention the soreness you feel the next day when you can barely get yourself out of bed, feeling like you've just been hit by a truck. However, I see it as the first step towards the necessary change of my lifestyle. Although I have to work on most weekends, I try my best to fit it into my schedule. After all, you're not gonna get the butt you want by sitting on it all the time. After a few weeks, I began to see a significant improvement in my stamina (and my weight!), and I'm sure glad I did it before I raced for Viper Arena.

Here are some of the group pictures taken after each session.