In 2017, my partner and I attended a fitness party at a new condominium in Ampang. Entrance fee was RM45 per person and we were entitled to a bowl of salad, a bottle of cold-pressed juice, an all-day access to the pool party, beer and two workout sessions of our choice. They offered several different classes throughout the day including yoga, zumba and HIIT.
After some crazy cardio and body pump sessions, we decided to laze around in the pool. It was an indoor swimming pool on the 23rd floor. Semi-indoor, actually, because it was open on all sides. At one point, it started to rain and the wind got really strong, some of the food at the booths almost got blown away.
At the pool, there were water guns, beach balls, giant inflatable floats and water-filled balloons. The ambiance felt like that of a nightclub, with all the music and the lights. We grabbed a pair of water guns and started our own water fight. Several other people joined in, but for the most part of the evening, we had the pool to ourselves. When we were tired of spraying each other with water, we just chilled on the giant floats.